Spiritual Power Practice: Being in the Word and Journaling

I have set up the Holy Spirit Life with a need to Practice Ways to draw close to the Power of the Holy Spirit. I have mentioned several practices that will enhance your inner spiritual growth. They are based on ways to SEEK first the kingdom of God, and HIS righteousness; and all these “things” will be added unto you. (Matt. 6:33)
Just like you would not become “good” at anything in the physical realm, you will not be gaining “good” (God’s righteousness from His Kingdom) without a spiritual practice and spending time in that practice.
My first focus for you to really get used to practicing is BEING in the WORD “with” the Holy Spirit and having a journal handy to write down what your “ears to hear” tell you. Believe it or not, there is no right or wrong way to do this. Just DO IT!
Our Father loves it when we seek to come into His PRESENCE (through the power of the Holy Spirit) and listen to what HE has to say. This is relationship and intimacy with the Presence. Begin to think of this Presence as
Eternally omnipresent-always available now and forever to commune with
Vast and Loving omnipotence-the greatest power, perfect love, to tap into
Infinite wisdom and knowledge or omniscience-listening to the All-Knower
Think of it right now: You are being invited to be in oneness with the Power that created the Universe and possesses all the knowing there ever was, is or will be. On top of that, this GREAT Being or Entity LOVES you unconditionally. I mean, seriously, can you even take it in? It does take your breath away and is worth meditating on just that! I have journals and journals full of thoughts that streamed in (yes, like streaming a movie) from the Holy Spirit when I got still with that PRESENCE.
It is small wonder the ancient Israelites or even some today cannot use a word (GOD) to express this amazing Power. Y is a great letter to also consider because it is shaped like a funnel. This Presence is yours to let His thoughts enter in - funnel in - as you avail yourself to its Spirit.
Begin with the WORD. It is holy and comes alive when you read it with expectation. Try not to use any negative thoughts (such as fear or doubt or worry) that you will not be able to understand THE WORD. It is alive for you in the WAY you need to hear it right now. That is what is so amazing. Words inspired and written so long ago are fresh each time we read them and can be mined forever to gain new understandings. I am always blown away when I read the same verse I have read 100’s of times and get a new “aha” from it. Immediately, I will think about how deep and rich it is and it humbles me. Reading without worry or fear frees you up to listen with ears to hear so the Holy Spirit can teach us (1 Cor. 2:13; John 14:26).
So, how do you begin your powerful practice?
Our Counselor speaks through the WORD. Be in it!
Journal the messages He downloads, infusing your Whole mind as it passes through your body and out onto the paper in the physical realm. Think of it!
Blessings, Susan Frink Anderson susanfrinkanderson@gmail.com www.holygramspirit.com new book: "Murture"