Seeing Others from a New Lens of Perfection
When we SEE others as another being that needs care and see ourselves in that same lens without using comparatives based on performance, we

The more you let God’s love in, the more capacity you have to love others. God’s divine love will remain and grow--when it is nurtured by Go

Relationship Healing Responses
Receive a new conception—birthed by the Holy Spirit from Christ, you can get a renewed mind that isn’t crazy or filled with non-sense.

Love Others as You Love Yourself in All You Are Given
When something appears you did not expect, instead of despair, fear, shock, incomprehension, and a host of other negative spirals that disto

Love Others as You Love Yourself at all costs
When you draw Love from God, you are able to expand your mind from hating anything. Hatred splits your mind and darkens it or pulls the shad

The Practice of Love
Since Love was and is designed by God and is the food that feeds our soul, it is imperative to practice receiving it from Source. When you p

Withholding Love
There is nothing harder on our spirit than withholding love. We are made to love and be loved and have healthy relationships. Withholding lo

Practice of Mindful of Love’s Presence
A loving person knows how to say no. A confused person will often say yes when they would like to say no. Practicing love from God allows yo

Lacking Source Love in Relationships that Hinder Spirit Growth
There is only ONE Source of Love and that is God. God is the basis and home base. He is the Provider and the Beginning of Love. Actually, He