The Practice of Love

Happy June. This is the best of times in the northeast. We are all excited with all the things that are blossoming and blooming. The colorful flowers make all those dark cloudy days of winter a distant memory. The green leaves have popped out everywhere and the lawns are splendid with their rich green colors. It is a time we LOVE. Speaking of Love, June is one of the most popular months chosen for weddings. Both of our sons were married in the month of June. It is known as a good time for a wedding. Associating June with brides and grooms makes it all the more fun to think of this as a great time to write about the practice of love.
Now, you may not think of Love as a Spiritual Practice, but you need to stop and rethink of it as the HIGHEST Practice of All. God is LOVE and is the Author of Love. Apart from God, there would be no love. I imagine that many humans do not stop and pause to make the connection between love and God. I don’t mean they don’t know that God is love. I just mean the association is not in the forefront of their minds where it needs to be.
More than in the forefront of our minds (frontal lobe of smart brain), we need to have it connected to the heart of God. Since Love was and is designed by God and is the food that feeds our soul, it is imperative to practice receiving it from Source. When you practice getting in a personal relationship with God, it is to get to know His unconditional love. This is such an important practice because God first loved us. He created us in our spirit. This is the origin that we need to KNOW personally and up close. Getting into the practice of connecting to Divine Love or Holy Love gives you inner wholeness that fuses all the chaos and scattered parts of you into alignment with God’s Spirit of Love.
Transformative Love is the Journey that grounds us to be able to practice love. We can only do a conditional kind of love apart from God because there is no love without that Source of Love. The ego needs to have a give and take or a quid quo pro brand of love IF it is able to give any love at all. So, if you treat me good, I will do the same for you is the name of that game. God’s love treats us well even when we don’t act loving to Him. This is why it is so important to practice Spiritual Love because you cannot out give God when it comes to love. His Love expands and opens you up to miracles and ways of being that you would never have imagined.
Find out what it feels like to receive the unconditional love of God and walk in it everyday until a merger takes place so you begin to have that takeover…Divine Love takes over so you can effortlessly continue its practice. The key is to begin and never stop giving and loving God so you can keep it circulating to yourself and others. Love one another never grows old. It just keeps getting better and better!
Blessings, Susan Frink Anderson new book: