Resolutions to Go BEYOND
As you set your resolve setting for 2017, set your sights on HIGH. Know that you are highly favored, loved and contain the Gift of Promise.
Let Down in the Day After Christmas
In our spiritual walk to greater maturity and intimacy with God, we are often met with “letdowns.”
Gift of REST in His Saving Grace
When you know you are saved by grace, you are free from guilt and condemnation both from God and the burden we carry from others dumping tho
Gift of the Present of Grace
"The main practices that the Gift of Grace gives are the ability to forgive others who hurt you and to have gratitude that you are on a
The Greatest Gift of ALL
We are getting close to the celebration of the Savior as Gift to the world! ... The path to intimacy with God is laid out through a relation
Slowing Down the Racing Thoughts Mind
Many obsessing minds are always racing around in circular thinking patterns that keep them wound up. These types of people get things done,
Treating Yourself to Powerful Healing Help
In order to be well treated, you must treat all areas of your being very well. You cannot just change the cognitive aspects of you and think
The Fast Track to Practicing Holy Spirit Help
Man knows the things of man and the spirit of human man that is in him. The Holy Spirit knows your spirit and the Spirit of God. He is the o
Agent of Change to Promote Spiritual Intimacy
Intimacy with the Holy Spirit is infinite and will never stop growing because it is a “take over” by God’s mind becoming one with yours. Thi