Memorializing from the Memorials we Create
. YOU will love the practices you do in all areas of your Spiritual routines, but you will also feel the need to grow the personal relations

Getting to Know Your Father
Are you ready to KNOW? When you perform your daily routines, are you paying attention to your mind and owning your thoughts? When you do...

Withholding Love
There is nothing harder on our spirit than withholding love. We are made to love and be loved and have healthy relationships. Withholding lo

Treatment of Being Grateful for ALL things
The truth is that the attitudinal position of feeling grateful is the BEST treatment for your inner being. When you remain in a steady posit

Practice of Mindful of Love’s Presence
A loving person knows how to say no. A confused person will often say yes when they would like to say no. Practicing love from God allows yo

Connecting to the Sacred and the Sacred YOU
Intimacy means “into me see” and that will require introspection and taking account of human frailties that only God can heal with His Perfe

When You Don’t Take Personal Responsibility
When you blame someone else as the “reason” you choose to do anything that is hurtful, it blocks your own light. You are offloading what you

Treatment of Letting Go to God
When people hurt others, they are operating out of a wounded part of themselves. This is the main reason you do not want to get involved in

Practicing Presence of Love
On the Spiritual Path, it is not just a mere mention of love, but a requirement to get to know Love as God Authors the word and expects us t