Seeing from My Father’s Perception
The word perception is the BEST word to use when talking about intimacy of any kind. It is especially revelatory when it comes to seeing...

We decide things based on filters that judge how we “think” about others that is mostly based on their behavior. Behavior is NOT who a perso

Seeing from My Father’s Perception
The truth of who any individual being really is can only be known through spiritual intimacy and knowing God personally. God is the energy o

Words that bless—how do they sound? I ask this question because it is the best way to begin to help yourself shift into speaking from the he

Taking the Call
I am sad about those people who had no one to call or did not take time to call. I have to let God make that call about where they are now.

The Practice of Love
Since Love was and is designed by God and is the food that feeds our soul, it is imperative to practice receiving it from Source. When you p

Withholding Love
There is nothing harder on our spirit than withholding love. We are made to love and be loved and have healthy relationships. Withholding lo

When You Don’t Take Personal Responsibility
When you blame someone else as the “reason” you choose to do anything that is hurtful, it blocks your own light. You are offloading what you

Treatment of Letting Go to God
When people hurt others, they are operating out of a wounded part of themselves. This is the main reason you do not want to get involved in

How to Grow Spiritual Produce - Real Spiritual Fruit
Apart from God, and without a SPIRITUAL influence that is deeply connected to God, there is no sustaining joy. Joy is produced from the well