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How to Grow Spiritual Produce - Real Spiritual Fruit

Welcome SPRING! When you live in the Northeastern part of the United States, like I do, you really understand the meaning of Spring. I do not go to Florida or other warm climates to escape our northern winters so I am an expert on what it means to experience a true feeling of SPRING. I recently went to California for a week during February. It was fascinating to me that even though the temperatures were not a lot higher than back east (mid to high 50’s) at the time, the “feeling” of being away from a grayish sky with lots of clouds made a lot of difference in my spirit. California was green and vibrant and not filled with those gray skies. I felt lighter and more joyful.

Don’t get me wrong. I love the northeast. I am just using it to contrast the “feeling” we can have when our “overhead” is filled with gray thoughts. It is just like the weather. Gray skies and clouds can seriously dampen human’s moods when they are experienced day after day with little sunshine or color to add a splash of vibrancy to life. Southern California is known for its sunshine and warm weather, palm trees and lots of interesting things to see and do all year round that give a sunny feeling.

The contrast I make here is that our moods can be like the weather, cloudy and gray when we practice fear and other negative energies that harm us. That cloudy focus creates a veil “overhead’ keeping us in gloom and doom. Many people practice this kind of thinking as a lifestyle (depressing thoughts they carry in their heads all the time). The contrast of carrying edifying thoughts (filled with hope and optimism) uplift our energy to produce an “overhead” that enlightens to brighten a disposition.

Of course, no human is able to stay upbeat, sunny and full of joy, and remain real in this world. It would be impossible due to all the negativity, suffering, and division on this planet. Apart from God, and without a SPIRITUAL influence that is deeply connected to God, there is no sustaining joy. Joy is produced from the well of God’s Oneness. That WELL is what Jesus was speaking of when He said that drinking from His Well would quench hunger and thirst. Our inner spirit is dry and needs spiritual watering. We are hungry for love and connection. The Source of a Spirit of Well-Being comes from the Power of the Holy Spirit filling our empty cups. It can only be produced through the practice of a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit of God given through the mind of Christ. Joining with THE Godhead produces inner joy.

The best Spiritual Practice for getting more fruit of the Spirit is to cultivate the mood- altering drug of empathy. When we give and receive compassion, we get the near magical neurotransmitter of oxytocin, which creates a sense of “good-fellow feeling” as we connect with others. Trust and cooperation with God produce ways to negotiate and resolve conflict while staying responsive vs. reactive (or triggered) in our relationships. Leading from Fruit of the Spirit of God helps us become a source of support and understanding to others instead of b

eing indifferent or unkind. When we are filled with the Fruit produced by God’s love, we feel an inner peace and sense of well-being within us. As we live and breathe from this position, we share our pleasant mood and gentle ways with others to help them find a better way to live and communicate as they relate to others around them. This is God’s Best Plan for us to practice and spread. It is the Good News of the Gospel in action! Make it your practice and watch it GO VIRAL!

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