Treat Yourself and Others to Perfect Patience
Think about this! Impatience has synonyms like irritation, edginess, intolerance, displeasure, exasperation, touchiness, and general annoyan

The Tongue of Perfect Oneness with Love
They just seem to attract every “no good, very bad” thing that comes along. These are the complainers that do not count their blessings, but

Achieving and Perceiving from God’s Inner Perfection
When we achieve and perceive using effort beliefs of “if I do this, then that will happen,” we naively expect good things will happen. Of co

When you are grounded in love, you don’t have to speak in all “nice” terms, you speak truth, but the words you use are a channel of power be

Memorializing from the Memorials we Create
. YOU will love the practices you do in all areas of your Spiritual routines, but you will also feel the need to grow the personal relations

How to Grow Spiritual Produce - Real Spiritual Fruit
Apart from God, and without a SPIRITUAL influence that is deeply connected to God, there is no sustaining joy. Joy is produced from the well