A Spiritual Journey to the Center of You

Spiritual experiences happen when pain is healed and integrated because it makes room to reduce the debilitating burden of carrying negative feelings. Since healing is a voluntary act, there is a benefit for the willingness to trust your inner spirit to the Holy Spirit. Often, pain blinds us to our true self. There is a place behind the pain that is waiting to be entered and mined. It often seems there are doors and passageways that keep on going deeper into shift after shift of untruth to truth, secrets to revelations, numbness to feeling alive - all with a joy and freedom that is liberating.
As the Journey into the center of you continues, the spirit keeps showing you that you are loved unconditionally and, therefore, already whole. The whole of you that continues to heal through integration is united in perfect union with love. When you are able to receive this love, you are filled and overflowing. You are infused with new blood that contains Perfect Love. Giving that love to yourself and passing it on to others is setting you freer and changing your thoughts about yourself and others.
You are no longer willing to be mistreated through blame and fault-finding. Your voice is able to express responsively not reactively. When there are attacks or accusations, you share your reality but do not need to argue or prove anything. Peace begins to be the call of every moment as you are unwilling to let false opinions rule your mind. Your heart feels pure and your mind is clear. New thoughts arise, as you perceive the external in whole new ways. False beliefs and deceptions are more easily observed and not absorbed.
These Higher forms of consciousness bring enlightenment as you discover your own wholeness and become grounded in the blessing of God’s abundance and grace. The Source of Perfect Love is the relationship you seek first because you are aware that all else follows that love. You know you are awakening and that the work you once thought as hard has become a joy to you. You get to give up shame and blame and have fewer battles. Things that you once feared no long paralyze you as they did.
DREAMS are an ongoing pleasures as the creative mind of the Real YOU opens more and more. Feel confident that your ideas and plans are not only supported but are actually streaming in from a communication you have not known before. YOU are aware that this is the Divine in you, connecting with the complete love of the Holy Spirit speaking from God. Now, you do not just have religion, you have a relationship. And, you do not just have information about God, you REALLY are able to know God.
Once you see truth, you cannot not see it. The freedom that comes with the balance and spontaneous living under the influence of love fulfills you. Your destiny is unfolding before you. Faith in yourself increases along with faith in God. Your new life seems too good to be true. It is really a whole new life that was always available and waiting for you as soon as you entered into the healing process and dropped off the old life that was hard and painful.
Blessings, Susan Frink Anderson susanfrinkanderson@gmail.com www.holygramspirit.com new book: "Murture"