Reviewing the Power Practices that will Work for YOU
Being a former teacher of young children, I am always aware of the need to review. This blog is not a full review of Power Practices in general but I do want to list them again as they are essential for your personal growth and connection to God. Getting to know the Holy Spirit is about devoting some time to exercise your spiritual muscles that will give you power. These practices are the exercises in that regimen.
The practices I have found most powerful are Prayer, Reading Scripture and responding to it, other Journaling, Mindfulness, Daily Meditation either from Scripture or some Spiritual writings, Yoga, and looking up definitions of words in the dictionary. Those are all GREAT things “to do” in order to fill your mind with a focus that lasts all day. I can briefly explain each but you will need to “do” what works best for your “who---your own personal identity and what you need right now.”
Prayer-relate to the Trinity through your requests and your praises (Phil. 4:6)
Reading Scripture-I love the book of John but the entire Bible is all about LOVE.
Journaling-I use journals for everything I need: mind, body, and spirit growth
(I cannot emphasize enough the importance of journaling -it helps to get things out)
Mindfulness-The practice of AWARENESS and staying awake to be present with now
Daily Meditations-These can be quotes, sacred thoughts, any short message of hope
Yoga-a discipline aimed at training consciousness for spiritual insight and calm to promote control of body, mind and inner spirit (there are many forms to explore)
Word definitions-there is something interesting about the way meanings of words “take” you into thoughts that help awareness of focus to consider how you speak.
I have devoted one blog to the power practice of journaling and will repeat how important it is to be writing your thoughts and interpretations down in a journal. These can be your thoughts on a Scripture verse or passage, a feeling you are trying to work through emotionally, some thoughts you want to ask the Holy Spirit about, or anything that you want to get out of your mind and onto paper so you may see it and better understand it.
Besides review, I want to begin to teach about the importance of the practice of prayer. Most people pray. They do it in a variety of ways and in a variety of situations. I am not going to be talking about prayer in any way other than the way it relates to the relationship with the Holy Spirit -which is “Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). When you are living the Spirit led life, you are always in communion with the Holy Spirit and continually asking with expectancy of an answer. You are getting help with the monitoring of your thought life, which needs redeeming. Those rogue thoughts that are not helpful, need to be corralled and taken captive. Many need to be put out with the trash—garbage in, garbage out. That kind can only come out through prayer! (Mark 9:29)
Prayer is the key to get ride of anxiety and be one in the Spirit. Pray in the Spirit at all times with every kind of prayer and petition. To this end, stay alert with all perseverance in your prayers for all the saints. (Ephesians 6:18)